Cultural Project
2016 Seoul Imagination Power Station <Sewoon Arcade and Makers>

2016.10.07 - 10.30
5F Indoor Square, Sewoon Arcade
Planning and managing the project that the technique of the makers of Sewoon Arcade and the imagination of the artists were converged, by introducing Maker Movement that technique and manufacturing are combined with culture. It aims to change public perception of Sewoon Arcade by drawing citizen's attention and interest. By combining the technique of practicing masters with maker movement, we made Sewoon Arcade the base of open creative culture. Sewoon Music Market, one of our programs, would help it to be the Mecca of 2016 Korean record market, and 4weeks of workshop program and other additional programs would provide citizens with the time that could give sensitivity and energy through creative solution of daily problems.
2016 Seoul Imagination Power Station <Sewoon Arcade and Makers>
  • Host: Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture
  • Sponsorship: Seoul Meotprolitan Government, Resident’s Association of Sewoon Arcade Block GA, Sewoon Arcade Merchants Council, Tied Institute, 00 Univ Lab, Cheongwoon Electricity
  • Operator: Siwall ENC Inc